IDTM as an independent Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) from any political or national allegiances strives to promote drug-free sports and competition. The use of drugs in sports by professional athletes, but not limited to them, in order to enhance their completive performance is considered unethical and violates the fair play and integrity in sports. Testing the athletes both through urine and blood collections ensures that prohibited substances are not used. The fight against doping in sports goes back many years however – at the beginning of 1990’s there was a gradual increase in the efforts for fighting doping in sports.

In 1999, WADA, the World Anti-Doping Agency, was founded after the initiation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in order to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against drugs in sports. Nowadays, the fight against doping in sports is getting serious attention and the attempt to eliminate doping in sports is gaining more support, resources and research.
What is doping control?
The process of collecting urine and blood samples in order to detect prohibited substances or methods by an athlete is part of the doping control. There are substances that are prohibited by WADA and therefore the athletes need to follow these rules and regulations. All the anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within the sport organizations and among the public authorities can be found in the WADA Code document. The WADA Code ensures that all athletes are treated by the same rules and standards through testing in order to harmonize the processes amongst the anti-doping organizations.
Anti-Doping Industry
In 1999, after the events that upset the world of cycling, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) established the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) through the support and participation in the foundation of WADA by intergovernmental organizations, governments, public authorities and other public and private parties who fight against doping in sports.
Olympic sport organizations, National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) and sport organizations outside the Olympic Movement have accepted WADA’s Code. ADOs (Anti-Doping Organizations) like IDTM, which have been appointed by WADA, contribute to the doping controls of the athletes worldwide by sharing their own expertise and knowledge.